For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. And for everything you gain, you have something else. It is about your out look on life you can ether regret or rejoice unknown author
About Me

- Fibro Tena
- United States
- I am a mother of 4 with a loving husband. I have been in chronic pain for years now. I have a support group but I need to do more to bring awareness to fibro an to get my feelings about about it so I hope that this will help. I am very loving an understanding.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I really do not like the mornings. I am always stiff an it takes me a while to get ride of it. But I am in a good mood today which is also good. My arm is still hurt really bad can not wait till I go to the doctor on Monday. I hope that they can help with it. The nerve pain sucks so much. The thing that I hate the most about fibro is that I can not do get to do a lot of things that I want to do. I know it sounds very selfish but I think most of us feel that way. What most people take for granted we have hard time with like just walking, playing with your kids, sleeping, cooking supper, laundry, sweeping, & so much more I would be writing for hours. I would like people to understand that this is not me wanting pity I hate pity so much. I just want understanding and to be believed. This ma so so simple to most people but people with fibro it is so different. People look at u different an when they realize u have fibro u loss a lot of friends an some loss there family's. They say it is an inviable disease but it is not all u have to do is look at some one who has it. Watch they way they walk, sit down try to do normal things, or anything they do in life that is were u see the fibro it may not show up on test but u can see it. That is how my family new something was wrong cuz of how many people who saw how much I changed. I can say though I have found some of the best friends in the world an I would love to thank all of them. I wish more people were as caring as they are. I have lost most of my old friends but that is ok I have my new ones an my family an I think that I got fibro so that I can help people an that I can find the best friends that I have ever had an love all them so much to. My family also understands an at first I think it was really hard on them. They understand more know that I do need all of them an that I can not do what I could do, but that is that the problem I have with fibro. I want to go walking, play with my kids, go shopping, go in the truck, clean my house with out any pain but I do get the pain an it never goes away it is always there. That is very hard to accept an more so when people do not believe u. So I am hoping that this will help people understand me an others with this. <3 fibro Tena
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